The Celebration of the 2019 Summer Solstice on the actual day occurred at Harmony Hall on Friday, June 21st at 7- 9 PM with live music in the South Salon. Guest musician Joe Rosolen of Dogs Like Us performed a lovely set on his custom made Mountain Dulcimer which sounded marvelous in the fine acoustics of the 1848 room. Curator Geoff Welch composed keyboard music for a new Multimedia piece, Great Blue Herons including Geoff's photography and video, edited into a film format by Nico Blanco. The 2nd work was a PowerPoint: Just Before Summer which included images of flowers, summer landscapes and Sloatsburg scenes accompanied by Geoff's arrangements of folk songs including, Wild Mountain Thyme, the Scottish song, Rothesay Bay and improvisations played on a Yamaha Montage 88 synthesizer. Between the music sets Howard Horowitz read several of his finely crafted and evocative nature poems to an appreciative audience of 20 people.
After the program everyone enjoyed refreshments supplied by the Friends of Harmony Hall Board of Directors - including an outstanding freshly baked Wholewheat Strawberry Shortcake created by Kathy Goldman.